Wood Sculpture

A set of black plastic tools with a wooden handle.Supply List for Wood Sculpture

A set of black plastic tools with a wooden handle.
A selection of gouges/chisels
and hardwood or metal mallet

Sureform rasp
and half round blade (hardware store)

A set of black plastic tools with a wooden handle.

A set of black plastic tools with a wooden handle.
Rat tail rasp
(hardware store)

A set of black plastic tools with a wooden handle.
10″ coarse cabinet file
(General hardware near Oglethorpe U)

Riffle files

A set of black plastic tools with a wooden handle.

Sandpaper grit 60 to 220 (hardware store)
Log or kiln dried wood to carve

Optional Tools

A set of black plastic tools with a wooden handle.
chip carving knife
( Highland Hardware)
for carving details

A set of black plastic tools with a wooden handle.

Rotary burrs
(conical burr best then round burr next best)

Wood to Carve
You can either bring in a log to carve that you find
or purchase locally.

Good Carving Logs
local cedar – red aromatic
fruit trees – pretty coloring – veins

A set of black plastic tools with a wooden handle.

poplar – not much veining or color
fir- warm color aromatic
pine – strong line pattern from
Stay with the softer woods

Wood To Purchase kiln dried
Basswood is the softest but not pretty
Western cedar – no red color or aroma
poplar – light


The FlexCut Wood carving set and Brass mallet is an IDEAL choice for the beginning student.