sculpting tips

Jane Jaskevich-Sculptor

[email protected]

A man in yellow gloves using a large knife to cut through a piece of stone.
Hoke begins his sculpture in his art class

This Section offers information  about learning to sculpt. Classes are no longer being offered since Jane has moved to the Asheville area.

A woman wearing ear muffs and working on a bench.
Art student using pneumatic chisel carve a stone sculpture.

Materials needed:

Stone or wood
Basic Stone Carving Set
( available locally at Dick Blick Art Supply)
Good fitting work gloves
( Home Depot/Lowes)
Safety glasses (Home Depot/Lowes)
Half round 10″ coarse cabinet file(General Hardware)
Sandpaper (various grits discussed in class)
High quality dust respirator (must be capable of filtering fine dust Home Depot/Lowes )
Hearing Protector, ear plugs and/or ear muffs (Home Depot/Lowes)