Wood Sculpture

A selection of gouges/chisels
and hardwood or metal mallet
Sureform rasp
and half round blade (hardware store)
Rat tail rasp
(hardware store)
10″ coarse cabinet file
(General hardware near Oglethorpe U)
Riffle files
Sandpaper grit 60 to 220 (hardware store)
Log or kiln dried wood to carve
Optional Tools
chip carving knife
( Highland Hardware)
for carving details
Rotary burrs
(conical burr best then round burr next best)
Wood to Carve
You can either bring in a log to carve that you find
or purchase locally.
Good Carving Logs
local cedar – red aromatic
fruit trees – pretty coloring – veins
poplar – not much veining or color
fir- warm color aromatic
pine – strong line pattern from
Stay with the softer woods
Wood To Purchase kiln dried
Basswood is the softest but not pretty
Western cedar – no red color or aroma
poplar – light
The FlexCut Wood carving set and Brass mallet is an IDEAL choice for the beginning student.